Alpha et Omega : Unit Template

So it’s really March 9, 2012 and the last thing i remember was to finish our rough draft in educational technology. The first few nights that I’ve been thinking about before going to bed is our final requirements. One of them is ofcourse a Unit Template.

Let’s define Unit Template….

  • A device used to indicate a lesson for a whole unit.
  • A device used by educators integrating both real objects and computer (ICT- based instruction)
  • A blue-print of lesson similar to a “lesson plan” which is more comprehensive.

Just imagine a lesson plan integrated with technology. It is really important that future teachers find ways on how to manage their creative skills in teaching a lesson. A key tool that bridges the gap between the students and the teacher is through technology nonetheless, the teacher is still the best instructional living material ever.

” If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow”

– John Dewey